Thursday, December 15, 2016

Who's With Me On This?

It seems that this presidential election was more about who one did not want than whom one did want to spend the next 4 years in the White House. I think we all agree that it was a very divided election. And, in the hours after the results were announced people were asking others to love rather than hate, to accept rather than discriminate, because they interpreted Donald Trump's rhetoric as hateful.

Perhaps they didn't mean it? Perhaps that applied to only those who supported Hillary Clinton and not the president elect? Since the election those same people who asked for us to be more loving and accepting have been posting extremely hateful things against our president elect. For the most part, those who tend toward more liberal views are posting the accomplishments of the Democrats while slandering the Republicans. As I see it these posts may make the one posting feel good, but, in my opinion, these posts only increase that chasm between us.

Both sides can go into a long dissertation on the accomplishments of their own party and the flaws of the opposing party. Both sides would be correct with some examples and incorrect with others. I did think about doing that with some of the falsehoods that were being posted but decided that it would result in a "tit for tat" and some friends would quickly become enemies. Politics is not something I want to break up a friendship over.

I believe that some of the negative that is being posted illustrates how frustrated this entire country is with the current state of affairs. I also believe we need to give the current president elect a chance before we begin criticizing him for things he hasn't done yet.

Safe zones for those who are disappointed in the election? Really!!!??? This is the way our founding fathers set up the electoral process. Like it or not, this is what we have to work with until our elected officials decide to change it. If a person can't handle the results of this election, how will said person handle a terminal illness diagnosis or the loss of a loved one? It's an election, folks, not the end of the world.

Many were not happy when President Obama was elected. Did they riot in the streets? Did they need safe zones? Did they spew hateful messages on social media? No. They accepted the election results and hoped he would do a good job. His success will be judged by each individual based on their own state in life.

Over the years I have become very frustrated with political pundits on both sides who encourage their contemporaries to stand their ground and work against the opposing party. I have stopped following those who subscribe to this philosophy. That is not what our founding fathers had in mind and that tactic hurts the country rather than helps it.

We need two parties to provide balance in our society. As my husband describes it, democracy is like an airplane. You need a left wing and a right wing. The plane cannot fly with only one wing. Bragging about the "great things" your party of choice has done while slandering the other in these weeks after the election only divides us more than it unites us.

Using the analogy of the airplane, I would love to see both parties work toward seeking common ground and agree to make the decisions that will provide realistic sustainable opportunities for getting people back to work, keeping our country safe, and bringing this country back to the strong country it was?

Can we stop with the negative posts on social media and find common ground? Who's with me on this?

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