My name is Susan Newberry and I have always been interested in art and design. I teach both interior design and fashion design at two local colleges and have recently stepped in to the world of graphic design. I started taking classes in graphic design at the school where I teach and found that I really had a knack for it. My business is Susan NewberryDesigns and I design vintage and contemporary art for kids and adults. I sell on both Etsy and Zibbet.
How did you get your start?
I started by making handmade greeting cards and began selling them at work. One of my colleagues told me about Etsy and recommended that I start selling there. I started my store in March of 2012. Since then my store has evolved to include calendars and graphic prints. I love designing for children as well as adults. My projects range from vintage to contemporary designs. I love typography so you will find quite a few inspirational sayings among my items.Where do you get your inspiration?
I love all things design and find inspiration in all things. Color draws me. Art moves me. Typography excites me. My grandkids inspire me. Designing brings me much pleasure and the items I create come from my heart. You can see evidence of my love for interior design and fashion design in many of my projects.What has been your biggest successful moment so far?
I’ve had a few exciting moments since I began. The first was when a furniture store in Canada asked me to design a calendar for their store. The second was when I was contacted by a Design Show on the BBC who wanted several of my prints to use on a house they were building for a client. I was honored that they chose my artwork. I am eagerly awaiting the show to air even though I may not be able to see it. I am hoping that it brings business my way!What challenges do you face selling online?
I've had a few challenges since I began selling online. One of my biggest challenges has been getting my name out there. That takes time. But as long as I am doing what I love, I'm happy. My advice?
Find something something you love to do and then do it for the rest of your life.(
What advice would you give someone just starting out on Etsy?
In addition to doing what you love, I would tell sellers to be patient. I opened my shop in March of 2012 but didn’t really see a lot of traffic until spring of 2013 and things have been moving upward ever since. I keep reminding myself that my Zibbet store will take some time. Good luck!
Modern Wall Art 2014 Desk Calendar Room Decor
Congratulations to Susan on her success! May she enjoy many more...
All beaded and team spirit ID badge lanyards are half price! Regularly $13.95 they are currently reduced to $7.00. Stop by to choose your colors and styled!
I am in the process of scheduling craft shows for 2014. If any of you have had success with a show around Albany, NY would you please send me the information?
Thanks for stopping...Diane
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