Thursday, December 15, 2016

Who's With Me On This?

It seems that this presidential election was more about who one did not want than whom one did want to spend the next 4 years in the White House. I think we all agree that it was a very divided election. And, in the hours after the results were announced people were asking others to love rather than hate, to accept rather than discriminate, because they interpreted Donald Trump's rhetoric as hateful.

Perhaps they didn't mean it? Perhaps that applied to only those who supported Hillary Clinton and not the president elect? Since the election those same people who asked for us to be more loving and accepting have been posting extremely hateful things against our president elect. For the most part, those who tend toward more liberal views are posting the accomplishments of the Democrats while slandering the Republicans. As I see it these posts may make the one posting feel good, but, in my opinion, these posts only increase that chasm between us.

Both sides can go into a long dissertation on the accomplishments of their own party and the flaws of the opposing party. Both sides would be correct with some examples and incorrect with others. I did think about doing that with some of the falsehoods that were being posted but decided that it would result in a "tit for tat" and some friends would quickly become enemies. Politics is not something I want to break up a friendship over.

I believe that some of the negative that is being posted illustrates how frustrated this entire country is with the current state of affairs. I also believe we need to give the current president elect a chance before we begin criticizing him for things he hasn't done yet.

Safe zones for those who are disappointed in the election? Really!!!??? This is the way our founding fathers set up the electoral process. Like it or not, this is what we have to work with until our elected officials decide to change it. If a person can't handle the results of this election, how will said person handle a terminal illness diagnosis or the loss of a loved one? It's an election, folks, not the end of the world.

Many were not happy when President Obama was elected. Did they riot in the streets? Did they need safe zones? Did they spew hateful messages on social media? No. They accepted the election results and hoped he would do a good job. His success will be judged by each individual based on their own state in life.

Over the years I have become very frustrated with political pundits on both sides who encourage their contemporaries to stand their ground and work against the opposing party. I have stopped following those who subscribe to this philosophy. That is not what our founding fathers had in mind and that tactic hurts the country rather than helps it.

We need two parties to provide balance in our society. As my husband describes it, democracy is like an airplane. You need a left wing and a right wing. The plane cannot fly with only one wing. Bragging about the "great things" your party of choice has done while slandering the other in these weeks after the election only divides us more than it unites us.

Using the analogy of the airplane, I would love to see both parties work toward seeking common ground and agree to make the decisions that will provide realistic sustainable opportunities for getting people back to work, keeping our country safe, and bringing this country back to the strong country it was?

Can we stop with the negative posts on social media and find common ground? Who's with me on this?

Pre-Christmas Sale

All fashion accessories are on sale for up to 40% off through December 23. Prices have already been reduced. And you get free domestic ground shipping! Visit

Upcoming Events

We are working on our schedule for 2017. Stay tuned for show announcements.

Until Next Time...


Saturday, November 19, 2016


Over the past few days I have read some of the reactions to our most recent presidential election with mixed emotions. Many of the comments have been very divisive as has been this election, so it becomes difficult to not get emotional when comments are made about the candidate one has backed. I think this emotion has led to people expressing their thoughts in ways that may not be deemed appropriate by our society.

There is one comment that was posted on Facebook the day after the election that has haunted me since and that I feel the need to comment upon. The person made a comment on how the result of this election was a vote for the top 1% and large corporations.

What has bothered me most about this comment was not the comment itself but the attitude it reflects - that it is no longer acceptable for us to strive to be wealthy; that those who are weathy are lesser people who are not paying their fair share.

So I ask...when did it become unacceptable for people in this country to strive to become wealthy? When did we change from the principles that our country was founded upon which include opportunities for all to be successful, to an attitude that if you are wealthy then you are filthy, dirty, and one to be dispised?

I find it ironic that many of the people in the public eye are as wealthy as those they make derogatory comments about. They are what they protest against.

When we were growing up, my siblings and I, were encouraged to work hard and strive to do our best. We were taught to save our money so that we would have it when we needed it most. Success was praised. Failure was not accepted. I remember always wanting to emulate successful people and work harder so that I could achieve the successes and financial security that others have achieved.

Now anyone who is successful seems to be vilified. When did this happen?

We seem to have evolved into a nation that believes that we are helping if we give people everything rather than expect them to work for it. We are now a nation that rewards laziness, tells people they are not capable of succeeding, and punishes success. This is leading to a nation of people who believe they are entitled to everything without earning anything. They believe they can't do it on their own and that others should pay for what they want and need. That is not reality. If they want to have the perks, they need to earn the perks! It is not up to someone else to provide for their needs. It is up to you to do that.

Yes, there are those who need a safety net from time to time. I am all for providing that safety net for them, temporarily; until they can get back on their feet. I am not in favor of that safety net becoming a lifestyle for healthy capable people.

I know many of the people who are posting comments about giving people more entitlements. I know that these people did not raise their children to think that way. Their children were raised to be successful, independent adults who strive to do their best in everything that they do. They are striving to earn more money so that they can acquire more wealth. So why is it that these same people believe that it is appropriate to hand people money for not earning it? Why do these same people dispise the wealthy and large corporations? Without the ingenuity of those people we would not be enjoying many of the conveniences we enjoy in this country today.

The old adage, "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." seems to fit here. While teaching their children to fish, these parents believe in giving others the fish which makes them more dependent on all of us. Let's help raise people up by teaching them the skills they need to be successful. Let's give them the tools to create more wealth for themselves.

Who's with me?

I try very hard not to get too political in these posts because that is not the purpose of this blog. However, this attitude that the rich are defiled and expected to pay for those who would rather be lazy and not seek employment is something I cannot keep quiet about. This nation was built on hard work, ingenuity, and the constant striving for success. It is my belief that we would all benefit if we could bring that attitude back!

Pre - Christmas Sale

Just in time for Christmas, pricing for all of our birthstone necklaces and bracelets has been reduced! Purchase a stunning 18 inch birthstone necklace for $15.00 and the matching bracelet for $7.00. Reduced pricing is limited to the inventory on hand. Any special orders will be at the regular price of $20.00 necklaces and $8.00 bracelets.

Upcoming Events

We have had so much fun returning to our favorite craft show sites this fall! Reacquainting with our fellow crafters and customers while meeting new ones has made each event one to remember!

Sunday, November 20, we will be at the Soroptimist International Craft Fair at the Gloversville Middle School, 234 Lincoln St, Gloversville, NY from 10 am - 4 pm.

On November 26 we will be at the Saratoga City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY from 10 am - 4:30 pm. 

Both events are artisan shows where you can meet the artist while you shop their displays!

Until Next Time...


Monday, September 26, 2016

A Furniture "Monitor"

You know the commercials on TV that show the ridiculousness of being a dental monitor who tells the person in the dental chair that he has a cavity or a security advisor who tells the people at the bank that there's a robbery in progress? Well, the other day my husband and I had a furniture monitor in our home. While we laugh at the silliness of these commercials we are amazed that these advisors really do exist!

Recently, my husband and I purchased a sofa bed. It was a very inexpensive piece from a new furniture store in the area. We didn't believe we needed to spend a lot of money as this sofa and bed would rarely be used.

When we tried to move the sofa to paint the room we discovered that one of the legs was not secured. The two men who moved the sofa into the room clearly knew that the leg was not secure but neglected to tell us or to tell the company.

We called the company and gave them a detailed description of the problem. The company set up a repair appointment with us for very early in the morning. The gentleman who came to do the repair was punctual and very pleasant. He walked in with a small toolbox, and a tablet. The entire appointment fell down when he informed us that he just assesses the need for a repair and does not do the repairs himself. He simply advises the company of what has to be repaired. We're still not sure what the toolbox was for.

So, he took a photo of the needed repair with his tablet then asked to borrow our phone to call in the repair. The customer service rep he spoke with was also very pleasant while informing him and us that they do not stock the part that is needed to secure the leg and that the company would be delivering a new sofa to our home in a week's time.

We were flabberglasted! Really??? Instead of going to the local hardware store to purchase a part that couldn't possibly cost more than 50 cents they are going to send out a delivery crew to replace the entire sofa?

The following week, at our appointed time a 2 man crew came to the house to pick up our damaged sofa. They knew nothing about, nor had, the replacement sofa on their truck. We refused to let them take the sofa as the sofa bed was needed shortly afterwards and we didn't know that there would be a replacement in time. Unknown to us, the company scheduled a delivery of the replacement sofa the following day.

I'm sure you can guess how this continues. When the delivery crew came to deliver the replacement sofa they didn't know anything about picking up the original sofa.

Naturally, we called the company to complain as we had to rearrange our condo each time to accommodate the sofa bed. We were told by a very pleasant customer service rep that the company does offer compensation in the form of a $75.00 store gift card. When she was told that this was unacceptable, she said they could also refund the delivery charges but the sofa had to be in the home prior to the refund.

It took us 3 days and several representatives to finally receive compensation that was satisfactory. Does this company provide good customer service? We think not. Needless to say, we will not be shopping at that furniture store again!

Fall Colors

Cruisin' Creations offers a full line of fall colors to compliment your wardrobe! Click on the links below each photo or visit our Etsy shop at Unique designs! breathtaking colors!

Upcoming Events

We are taking some time off before the holiday rush. Our next event is O'Rourke Middle School on Nov 5. Details to follow...

Until Next Time...


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Customer Service Can Make Or Break Your Business

Because I like to patronize my fellow Etsy sellers whenever I can, I recently ordered some badly needed supplies from an Etsy seller. After reading the positive reviews about this seller I thought I'd take a chance on ordering some long pine needles at what I thought was a reasonable price.

Unfortunately, my regular supplier had stopped carrying the perfect needles for pine needle baskets so I had to look elsewhere. The description from this new supplier sounded like exactly what I was looking for and the seller was very accommodating, until the order was received. When I opened the priority mail box with over 3 pounds of pine needles (yes, it takes a lot of needles to make a little basket) I found that these needles were not as described. Included in the box were short pine needles, pine cones, branches, and so many tiny little needles that were unusable. It appears this seller went into the woods, scooped up some pine needles, weighed them, and sent them off without any concern for the quality of his product.

The seller's shop policy states, "In the event that items are damaged during shipment or customer is unhappy with the product please contact us to discuss refunding or replacement options."

I voiced my displeasure with these needles in an email (no phone numbers are listed on Etsy), but stated that I would have to keep them as I had run out of pine needles and had baskets to make. I warned the seller that I would be leaving a less than positive review of the product and that I would not be ordering from him again. That was over a month ago and I've yet to hear back from this seller.

Now, maybe it's my nature but I want to do everything in my power to make my customers happy. Had I received an email such as this I would have responded immediately, even if it meant that I would no longer have this person as a customer. Apparently, this seller doesn't have the same dedication to pleasing the customer.

I get annoyed every time I use these needles and find more small, broken or otherwise unusable ones. It takes twice as long to complete a basket because the needles are shorter, so this seller has impacted profits as well. It seems like I wasted my hard earned money on these unusable needles and branches and that this seller doesn't care. I ordered 3 pounds of needles. 3 pounds 5 ounces were shipped. I think I've thrown out about 1 pound of unusable needles. I definitely did not get my money's worth!

What is my point? In my opinion good customer service is so important in this age of anonymity. No longer do we look a person in the eye as we sell our product to them. We print an order, pack it in a box, ship it out, and hope the customer is happy. If not, many sellers think, oh well, I've got my money...

Had this seller replied to my email I would have referred others to his shop for the other items he sells. Instead, I am writing a blog about his lack of customer service.

We, at Cruisin' Creations, pride ourselves on the quality products we create and the superb customer service we provide. Each item is meticulously made and generally shipped out the same or next day. Oh, we have had our share of unhappy customers, but they are few. And, we do everything possible to make them happy. In some instances it has been refunding the purchase, in others making a repair. There are some customers who will voice a complaint then never reply to my response or solution for the complaint. Since we do not have phone numbers for these customers and are only able to converse via email there isn't much else I can do but send a follow up email and hope the customer responds.

So, if you are looking for unique, quality women's fashion accessories and want a company that stands behind their product then please visit We will be happy to work with you to provide you with exactly what you are looking for.

Baskets Are Coming Along

I am having so much fun making the pine needle baskets! While I love to challenge myself with large unique pieces, I am finding that making some smaller ones for rings, or other trinkets are great to keep me busy while I ponder the design for the next big basket. I've also branched out into making trivets and coasters. While these are not yet listed in my Etsy shop, if you would like any of these pictured or would like to order anything special, please email me and I will make arrangements to get you the baskets you desire.

I was given a wonderful compliment the other day that I have a knack for making these baskets and make them very well. I was so humbled by this customer's remarks!

Upcoming Events

We are looking forward to returning to Speculator, NY to support the Hamilton County TWIGS in their efforts to help fund several emergency service organizations as well as scholarships in the area. Stop by the baseball fields, next to the firehouse in Speculator, NY on Thursday, August 11 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. You can pick up your women's fashion accessories, and pine needle baskets at Cruisin' Creations as well as your gourmet seasoned pretzels at Santa Snacks booth! It is always a good time and there's so much to choose from with over 150 artists on hand! It may be a good time to jump start your holiday shopping!

We are branching out a bit and are offering a few select items at the Castleton-On-Hudson Farmer's Market. Visit Santa Snacks and Cruisin' Creations the first and third Fridays of the month from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the intersection of 9J and Scott Rd in Castleton, NY.

Until Next Time...



Sunday, July 17, 2016

You're Never Too Old To Learn A New Skill

I have always loved crafting! From the first needle my mother put into my hand at a very young age until today I have done some sort of craft. It's a nightly ritual that I will have a needle or hook in my hand and will be turning some raw material into a beautiful creation while watching TV. My husband asks me if there is something wrong if I am not creating.

So, when a friend recently asked me if I wanted to learn how to make pine needle baskets I gave her a resounding. "Yes!" I had been introduced to pine needle baskets a few years ago while visiting a craft show. I thought they were beautiful and immediately wanted one!

My friend and I took a 2 day class where we discovered that creating a pine needle coiled basket takes a lot of sewing skill and little to no weaving skill. Since that lesson I have created 10 baskets and am busily creating more! The only thing stopping me is a lack of reasonably priced and easily accessible basket bases and pine needles. They are plentiful at the club meetings in Florida, but are difficult to find in New York so I am finding that I am getting very resourceful.

Pine needle coiling is actually an ancient Native American art. Some believe that it is a lost art; however, the women at the Artful Basket  and Creative Coilers Clubs in The Villages, Florida are working very hard to make sure that doesn't happen!

Pine needle baskets are made with very long dried pine needles that have been washed and baked in a water and glycerin solution. The needles are grouped and held together by a gauge. A variety of stitches can be used to hold the needles and rows together. Sweet grass can also be used in making these baskets. The beauty of pine needle coiling is that there are no rules. You can use any material available and any stitches you can come up with to create an original basket.
These pine needles are drying after their bath.
Using a needle, gauge, chord, and pine needles, intricate baskets are created. Pine needles, pottery, or other types of bases can be used to start the basket.

Once the basket is finished it is time to check for stray needles or threads. Once these have been trimmed the baskets are sealed with polyurethane. They are then ready for use!

Below are photos of some of the baskets that I have made. Because of the nature of the pine needles and the centers they are not completely symmetrical which adds to their appeal.

These beautiful baskets are currently available at craft shows. As I build an inventory I will offer some of them in my Etsy shop. Prices range from $15.00 - $175.00.

Upcoming Events

We are looking forward to several new shows for August. 

August 5 & 19 - a limited supply of Cruisin' Creations will be available at the Castleton-On-Hudson Farmers Market. Stop by Main Street from 4-7!

August 11 - we are looking forward to exhibiting at Speculator again this summer! It is always a great time and a show that has anything you can possibly need handcrafted by very talented artisans!

Keep checking back to our blog as new shows are being added!

Until Next Time...


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Santa Snacks - The Tasty Treat Made By Santa In His Home Kitchen

Have you tasted Santa Snacks? They are delicious seasoned gourmet pretzels that come in 3 delicious flavors!
Spicy Rudolph's Red
Savory Blitzen's Bits
Sweet Prancer's Pieces

Santa, while accompanying Mrs. Claus to many craft shows, realized that there was something missing. At each show there was usually someone selling seasoned nuts or popcorn, but no one was selling pretzels. So, the light went off in Santa's head and he began to experiment with recipes. After much trial and error he perfected three recipes and began visiting farmer's markets and craft fairs to sell his delicious snacks.

Each 5 ounce bag sells for $4.00 and Santa offers free samples.

Where can you buy Santa Snacks?

Santa will be at Castleton-On-Hudson farmer's market from 4-7 pm on August 5, and 19.

He will also be at the Shaker Heritage Society, Schroon, Lake, Saratoga's Largest Yard Sale, and Speculator. All of these events are in New York. You can keep up with Santa's schedule by visiting his Facebook page @santasnacksLLC. Like his Facebook page and his events will appear on your news feed.

Children are always puzzled by Santa selling gourmet seasoned pretzels. Well, This is an easy way for Santa to check whether people are being naughty or nice. 

Remember, Santa is always watching!

Inventory Reduction

From time to time businesses have to cycle through inventory to keep their shops fresh. Cruisin' Creations is currently selling its cotton scarves at ridiculously low prices. Check them out at

Upcoming Events

We are looking forward to seeing all of you at our next event!
Schroon Lake, Town Park, Schroon Lake, NY

Until Next Time...


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Reverence, Phones, and Society

As children we are taught that there is a time and a place for everything. In this day of instant gratification, social media, games, and texting it seems that we are more concerned with what is going on in cyber space than what is going on in real life. I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to sneaking a peek at my phone when the opportunity presents itself, but there are certain places where I will not check my phone. In fact I turn it off rather than put it in silent mode so that I will not be tempted or disturb others. I believe church is not the time nor the place for using our phones (unless, of course, there is an emergency). I think most people will agree with me that church on this.

Recently my husband and I had the displeasure of sitting behind a woman who spent her time before the beginning of mass texting on her phone. She tried to hide it in the top of her very large purse, but those around her were very distracted by her necessity to text rather than spend the time in prayer and meditation.

I did wrestle with the appropriateness of asking her to put the phone away, but decided against it. Had she continued during mass I might have. Obviously, I didn't want to cause a scene and there might have been a very good reason why it was so necessary for her to text while in church. But, while I was sitting there distracted by her texting while trying to pray I couldn't help lamenting the direction our society has taken.

We seem to have forgotten certain socially acceptable behaviors. We seem to be so self absorbed that we would rather surf the web, text, check out Facebook, Instagram, or some other social media site rather than enjoy what is going on right in front of us. And, while the current generation thinks living is having thousands of "friends" on social media and spending the day checking other's posts, commenting, and sharing the reality is that actually experiencing others in person and experiencing nature is really living.

Cellphones are a convenience not a lifeline.

Clearance Sale!

Our cotton scarves have been reduced for immediate sale! Choose from cowl scarves at $10.00 each or classic and infinity scarves at $20.00 each. That's over a 50% reduction!!! There are only a few left!

Upcoming Events

We will be at the Shaker Heritage Society July Craft Fair and Cruise In on July 9 & 10! The Shaker Museum is at 25 Meeting House Road, Albany, NY. Hours are 10 - 4 and admission is $4.00.

On July 16 we will be at the Schroon Lake Town Park in Schroon Lake, NY from 10-4. 

Please stop by and say, "Hello!" We love meeting our followers!

Until Next Time...


Monday, June 20, 2016

Cruisin' Creations Covers Solve A Problem

They say that, "Necessity is the mother of invention." Well that was certainly true 3 years ago when I took a good look at the jewelry display stands I use to display the scarves and necklaces I design. I had just finished an outdoor craft show basically in a sand pit and found that our display stands were gray and dingy and were not going to come clean.

So, I had a few choices. I could find another way to display my necklaces and scarves, invest in new display stands, or extend the life of the stands by finding a way to cover them. 

Being a person who always loves a challenge, I decided to find a way to cover the stands as purchasing new ones every time they became soiled would become very costly. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to sew a fitted cover my husband and I came up with a different idea that is so easy to use! We designed these covers like a shower cap. 

What a difference these covers make! We make them in different colors and they are completely washable. These display bust covers make my dingy, stained display stands look clean and sleek and I can use different colors to coordinate with different holidays or to coordinate with the different colors of our scarves and necklaces.

After making several sets for myself it occured to me that others may have the same problem, so I listed them in our Etsy shop. That was a great idea as so many people have ordered them. Some use these display bust covers to update their shops, for different holidays, or to spruce up their tired jewelry display stands. 

These covers are made out of 100% polyester, and are machine washable, and dryable. They come in 3 standard sizes; however, specialty sizes are also available. And, while they come in standard colors - black, white, flesh, red, and burgundy, we have also done special orders in teal and turquoise. An added benefit? These display bust covers also save money and storage space.

Our customers just love them!
Shantell - I'm very happy with my order and this seller! Came well packaged and arrived very quickly! The materials are of excellent quality! I will be purchasing from this seller again! 5 stars 

Sandy - What an idea! Should be patented!! Perfect for those "aging" necklace displays.

Nicole - This seller has excellent customer service,communication skills. I wasn't sure what size to get for my jewelry bust and she helped me with the right size. The shipping was great. I love the product, I can see this as being very helpful when doing craft fairs. Also extending the life of my jewelry bust. Looking forward to getting the red one next time.

Sharon - Very professionally made. Great communication with artist. She accomodated my every need. They immediately added color and interest to our store. I'll be back for more soon!

Lynn - definitely does wonders to convert black velvet over to a lighter color for displaying light colored jewelry.

Sharla - I really love the way these bust covers transform my old jewelry displays. Fine quality and fast service.

You can view and order your display stand covers at

Cruisin' Creations Needs Your Help!

We are looking for people to become ambassadors for Cruisin' Creations. What do you have to do to be an ambassador? Simply help us spread the word about our unique accessories. Please like, comment, and share our Facebook posts, favorite our listings on Etsy, share our blog and newsletter, post pictures of yourself or others wearing our unique designs, and pass the word about us to family and friends. 

With Facebook and Etsy changing their SEOs several times a year, reaching people about the news at Cruisin' Creations becomes harder and harder. Please help us! We appreciate all that you do for us.

To show our appreciation for your efforts as an ambassador we are issuing a way to save 10% at Cruisin' Creations. Simply use the coupon code TEAMCC at check out!

Upcoming Events

We are looking forward to exhibiting at the Shaker Heritage Society on July 9 & 10. Show hours are 10:00 - 4:00 and there is a $4.00 admission fee that benefits the Shaker Museum. Many new events have been added to this year's show including an antique car show and children's activities. Stop by 25 Meeting House Road, Albany, NY to do some shopping, tour this historic site, and see the show cars. You can download a discount admission coupon at

Until Next Time...



Monday, June 13, 2016

Check Your Grammar, Please

A sign near our home reads:
God is like Allstate
Your in good hands.

I would have taken a picture of the sign, but didn't want to cause an accident. Can you find the mistake?

When I saw this sign, all I could think of was how lax our society has become when it comes to correct spelling and grammar. Is it texting, auto correct on our phones, tablets, and computers, ignorance to the differences in meaning and spelling, or what?

Whatever the reason, incorrect grammar and spelling reflects poorly on the people who put up the signs and the businesses sponsoring these signs. And it is teaching our youth that it's OK to misspell words.

Signs are not the only place I find this mistakes. Our local newspaper is full of them every day! Wouldn't you think the newspaper would proofread and fix their mistakes?

Yes, I used to be the queen of mis-spellings on Facebook and while texting. Auto correct and my fat fingers got me frequently. I've learned from being embarassed too many times by these misspellings and make sure I am more careful and proofread each post before sending it. I've also gotten to the point where I will not share or comment on a post that is not spelled correctly.

Signs, posts, email, etc. are read by thousands of people every day! Look smarter and proof read, please!!!

What's New At Cruisin" Creations?

Cruisin' Creations now offers bulk discount pricing on larger quantities of birthstone necklaces and bracelets for bridesmaids' gifts. Use these birthstone necklaces and bracelets as gifts, or for your bridesmaids to wear on wedding day. Visit the Special Occasions section of our shop - to view our offerings.

Upcoming Events

Our next event is the Shaker Heritage Society Craft Fair on July 9 & 10. Show hours are 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. There is a $4.00 admission fee that benefits the Shaker Museum. You can download a discount coupon from their Facebook page,

The museum is located at 25 Meeting House Rd, Albany, NY. It is across from the Albany International Airport. They've added some new attractions so it should be even more fun than usual! See you there...

Until Next Time...


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Saying Thank You

"Thank you" Two simple words that seem so difficult for some people to say.

How many times have you sent a gift to someone then wondered whether it was received and whether the receiver liked what you sent? This happens to my husband and me often. In conversations with others I have found that it happens frequently to others as well. It seems that we spend so much time on different technology we have forgotten about common courtesies. So, because I, and others, find it frustrating to not receive a thank you I have decided to to mention it in my blog.

My husband and I have spend hours choosing the perfect gift for someone, or hours creating a special gift only to hear silence after we know the gift had arrived. Then we start to question, "Did they receive it?" "Did they like it?" "Did we read their personality all wrong and select an inappropriate gift?" What if the receiver didn't like it at all and is afraid to thank us because their true feelings may come out?

After these initial questions we start to feel unappreciated. We begin to question whether we should even bother to take time, energy, and money to send a gift in the future because it appears the receiver does not appreciate our gift enough to take 5 minutes to say thank you.

So, we have solved the problem of whether the gift has been received by simply sending a check. Money is always the perfect fit and we know it was received when it is cashed.

But the issue of saying thank you is still there. With all of the modern technology out there today, and the amount of time each and every one of us spends on that technology, is it too much to ask for someone to send a quick text, email, or message saying, "Thank you for thinking of me. That was very thoughtful of you"?

In our opinion, if someone has gone through the trouble of selecting a gift for another, the least the recipient can do is express gratitude for the effort. And if the giver has sent cash, check, or gift card, it was their hard earned money that paid for it and should also be appreciated. Let's remember to show our appreciation for the efforts of others and say thank you, Folks!

P.S. To everyone who has ever sent my husband and me a gift, we apologize if we have neglected to thank you. We have appreciated every gift we have ever received.

What's New At Cruisin' Creations?

Back by popular demand, Cruisin' Creations isoffering free domestic shipping through Mother's Day! Order your Mother's Day gifts at today so that you will receive them in time for Mother's Day!

A Special Request

Facebook, Etsy, and many other sites keep changing their SEOs which means that fewer and fewer people actually receive notice of the posts we create at Cruisin' Creations. It is because of this that I am asking for your help. Those of you who follow Cruisin' Creations on Facebook, please visit our facebook page, as often as possible and like some of our posts. If you are not a fan of Cruisin' Creations on Facebook, please consider liking us and our posts to help us and to keep up with what's new.

To all of you who follow us on Etsy, please go to our Etsy website,, favorite our shop, and favorite some of our items. To favorite an item run your cursor over the image and click on the heart. If you are not following Cruisin' Creations on Etsy, please consider doing so to help us and so that you can keep up with new designs as they are listed. 

These simple acts will help Cruisin' Creations listings come up higher in a search of specific items.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Upcoming Events

We are looking forward to seeing you at Niska-Day! As usual, it will be at Craig Elementary School, 2566 Balltown Road, Schenectady, NY 12309. This is an all day community event however the craft tent will be open from 11:00 - 4:30. Stop by and say, "Hello!"

Until Next Time...


Saturday, March 19, 2016


If you have friends that you can not see for years then reconnect with as if you just saw them the day before then you are truly blessed! Recently my husband and I reconnected with some friends we hadn't seen in at least 6 years. The reunion was wonderful!

It was as if we had just seen them last week! We picked up where we had left off on conversations the last time we had spoken and reignited a wonderful friendship.

The 4 of us had met on a cruise in 2003. We were seated at the same dinner table every night with 4 other people which made for very interesting dinner conversations. Ron, Maria, Mike and I immediately liked each other, frequently spent time together during the cruise, and made arrangements to cruise together for the next 6 years. While we live in different states we kept in touch via phone and email, remembered each other's birthdays and at Christmas, visited each other's homes, and reunited each February.

Then life happened and we were not able to cruise together the 7th year. We slowly began to lose touch with each other. There was still the occasional phone call or email, but they weren't as frequent as they had been. 

Thankfully, Ron contacted us about their most recent cruise and mentioned that they would love to see us. We immediately jumped at the opportunity and had a wonderful time together. The Regal Princess and other friends that we brought along may never be the same because of the jokes and stories that flew around our breakfast and dinner tables each day, but we are surely enriched by the experience.

Friendship is a precious gift that needs to be nurtured and not taken for granted.

Wedding Accessories

Wedding season is coming quickly and brides are always looking for that unique item that will make their wedding stand out. Surprise them with one of Cruisin' Creations heirloom garters.

What is so special about these garters? It is the bride's garter on wedding day then becomes her baby girl's Christening Headband on Christening Day. If she has a boy instead of a girl she can give it to his bride for her wedding day. It is a priceless heirloom to be handed down from one generation to the next. A special poem is included with each garter and each garter is shipped in a white organza string bag.

Each garter is made to order with Swarovski crystals, synthetic pearls, or glass seed beads. You decide!
Because these garters are made to order they do take time to ship, so don't delay and order yours today!

Upcoming Events

We had a wonderful time at the Laurel Manor Recreational Center in the Villages, Florida! We met so many nice people!

Our next event is Niska-Day on May 21 at Craig Elementary School in Schenectady, NY. Stop by the craft tent and say, "Hello!"

Until Next Time...


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Giving Handmade

"If someone gives you a handmade present they are not being cheap. Consider the time they spent finding the materials and making you a unique and special gift. They did it because they love you."

In November my great niece posted this on Facebook and proceeded to tell me that she loves the cupcake blanket I made her many years ago. I told her to imagine me giving her a hug each time she used it. She then told me that she loved me. I wish I had a picture of that quilt to show you.

In church last weekend I ran into someone I hadn't seen in 25 years. One of the first things she said to me was that she still has her placemats and puts them out every Christmas. AFter all these years this handmade gift I gave so long ago still warms her heart.

I cannot put into words how much that post and these exchanges mean to me. I have always been one to give handmade gifts. My reasons have been varied for doing this but each gift that was made and given was given out of love. As I selected the materials and created the gift I thought about how special this person was to me and how much I hoped they would appreciate the gift that was made and given from the heart. 

It seems that people are not as appreciative of handmade gifts these days. They also seem to be of the attitude that if a gift is handmade it didn't cost much money. Have they priced fabric, yarn, beads, wood, and other items used to handcraft a gift? In many instances it would be less expensive to purchase the item at a store rather than make it. And that price for materials doesn't include the hours of time it takes to make the item. 

So, what it my point? Simply to appreciate handmade gifts and realize that the giver has put his or her heart and soul into making that gift especially for you. And if you do not have the talent to make special gifts for your loved ones, consider purchasing them from an artist. In doing so you will be purchasing a unique gift and supporting an artist who puts his or her heart and soul into each item made.

Resolution Update

In my last post I mentioned that my new years resolution is to help make this world a better place by helping others. One of the ways I am doing that is by using up all the fabric, and yarn I have collected to create items that are going to be donated to those in need. Since January 1, 2016 I have constructed 5 children's quilts, 4 scarves, and 12 hats. Several others are in various stages of completion. Yes, I've been a busy girl which is why I haven't updated my blog for a while. My reason for making all of these so quickly is that this is the time of year when these items are needed most so this is the best time of year to donate them. I'm sure things will slow down as the weather warms up.

Each quilt is like a puzzle. I take the fabrics that I think will work well together then piece them until I find a design that works with the colors and number of squares I have. Some come out better than others, but I hope that everyone who receives a quilt, hat, or scarf will feel the love that went into making it.

If you have decided to take up this resolution for 2016, I would love to hear what you have been able to do so far. 

Free Shipping

You have 2 more weeks to take advantage of our free shipping offer for all domestic addresses. There are no minimums and this offer expires January 31, 2016. So purchase your scarves, necklets, eyeglass holders, bracelets, and birthstone jewelry and save!

Special Orders

We love special orders! While I love the challenge of coming up with new designs, it's those ideas I receive from customers that I truly enjoy making. Recently, Cindy asked me if I would make some items for her out of a variegated yarn. After much discussion we solidified our ideas on color, beads, and styles. Her items are in the mail; she should receive them early this week. I'm very happy with the way they came out and hope she will be too!

Here's a picture of the yarn and beads! Watch for finished photos in our next blog.
I don't want the world to see the finished photos before Cindy receives them in the mail.

Upcoming Events

We are working on events for the coming year. Right now our first event is in Niskayuna on May 21!

Until Next Time...
