Let's backtrack a bit. The last time the minimum hourly wage for servers increased from $5.00 to $7.50 this restaurant had to pay more than $50,000 in additional wages. Prices went up, many restaurants went out of business or moved to neighboring states, and servers paid more in taxes. Who benefitted? The state with the additional income tax collected. The servers did not see one more dime in their paychecks!
Our governor is now suggesting that servers' base pay be increased to $15.00 per hour. Imagine the number of restaurants that will go out of business when the hourly rate doubles! Owners, servers, and many others have spoken out against this increase, but their words appear to be falling on deaf ears.
Restaurants are not going to absorb the increase in pay. Prices will go up, the consumer will pay more or not eat out as often, and servers may find themselves out of a job.
I don't want to sound like a dooms-dayer, but believe this whole campaign by our governor is short sighted and in the interest of the state's bottom line, not the worker. Does he not understand economics or does he not care?
In his efforts to raise people up from poverty by legislating a living wage he is, in reality, holding them down. Rumor has it that the average server at said restaurant makes between $25.00 and $40.00 per hour when tips are calculated. Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour and removing the need to tip just dropped these servers to minimum wage jobs instead of the living wage jobs they currently hold. The governor is creating more poor instead of less!
Yes, there are those who work in restaurants where the tips are meager. Should everyone suffer because of the few or should those who are not happy find jobs in more profitable establishments? When is it time for people to change due to personal responsibility and when is it time for the government to step in? In my opinion, if you are not happy with your current income then it is up to you to get the training necessary to be hired for a position that will improve your income and financial security. The governor cannot legislate that.
In short, it seems to me that this increase in minimum wage for servers is simply a money grab for the state and nothing more. What are your thoughts?
We are in craft fair and farmers market mode and are creating as many baskets, ornaments, and wall decor as we can between shows. Here are a few you may not have seen before.
Visit cruisincreations.etsy.com and facebook.com/cruisincreations12 to place an order for one of our unique baskets.
Upcoming Events
We will be at the East Greenbush Farmers Market every Wednesday except July 4 from June 13 - Oct 3. This is a wonderful little farmers market where you can pick up fresh produce, honey, maple syrup, soaps, seasoned pretzels, pine needle baskets, freshly spun yarn, dog treats, wine, and so much more! You can even pick up dinner at Carol's Place. Stop by 10 Community Way, East Greenbush, NY each Wednesday between 4:00 and 7:00 to take advantage of these great buys. Santa is selling his gourmet seasoned pretzels and The Mrs is selling a selection of her pine needle decor.
The Speculator Craft Fair will be held Aug 9 at the Speculator Ball Fields, Routes 9 & 30, Speculator, NY. We will be in the pavilion this year. Stop by between 9 & 4 to pick up some unique gifts and Santa's delicious gourmet seasoned pretzels!
Check our events list attached to this blog to keep current on our upcoming events.
Until Next Time...
Check our events list attached to this blog to keep current on our upcoming events.
Until Next Time...
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