Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Life's Little Inconveniences

It is amazing how something as simple as living with a temporary boil water advisory can be so disruptive to our daily lives.

On Monday morning there was a water main break in our town. Over the course of the morning there were 3 more breaks causing a state of emergency and a boil water advisory. Many residents were without water. By Monday night the town had set up a site for residents to fill clean containers with water or get bottled water.

My husband and I were clueless to the fact that there was a problem. We noticed the water pressure was low when we showered that morning, but couldn't figure out why. I spent the morning drinking water from our tap. It wasn't until we received an automated call around noon that I found out that there had been several water main breaks and that we were to boil our water before using it.

My brain seemed to go into some type of survival mode. I immediately filled 2 large pots with water and boiled them for more than the required minute, you can never be too careful, and left them on the stove to cool. This water would be used for hand and dish washing and anything else we might need clean water for.

As I go about my day I don't think much about the contaminated water that is pouring from our taps but each time I go to wash my hands survival mode kicks in and I alter my routine.

We take such conveniences for granted. How many of our fellow citizens live in substandard housing without clean running water? How many people throughout this world have to walk miles each day to reach a water source? I have a new appreciation for such living conditions.

While this has been a minor inconvenience and we should be able to drink the water sometime Thursday, I can tell you it has made me realize how fortunate we are to live in a place where clean potable water flows freely from our taps.

Time to start stockpiling bottles of water! With these aging pipes I'm sure this is going to keep happening. After all, this is the second break in a short period of time.


July Birthstone Necklace

Ruby red Swarovski crystals just pop on this crisp white yarn!

Click on this link to order your July birthstone necklace today!

New to my Etsy shop! Birthstone bracelets!!!

Order your July birthstone bracelet by clicking on this link!

Join us!

July 12 & 13 at the Shaker Heritage Society's Craft Fair, 25 Meeting House Rd, Albany, NY! The show runs from 10:00 - 4:00 both days.

This is a handmade only show! The talent and ingenuity of the crafters just blows me away every time!

Mention this post and receive 15% off of your purchase the day of the show.

Until Next time...


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